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Relining Handles Bends Pipes
How Relining Handles Bends in Pipes

Pipe relining is a trenchless method to repair damaged pipes from the inside. It works by inserting a flexible textile tube filled with epoxy resin that reshapes to the bends and angles of your existing pipe. When cured, it forms a smooth, seamless and watertight new pipe able to handle over 90 degree bends.

Sump Pump Fails
What to Do if My Sump Pump Fails

A failed sump pump can lead to catastrophic basement flooding. Learn the common causes like power outages, clogged pumps, bad float switches and get professional cleanup help quickly.

Gas Hot Water Systems Cost Effective 2023?
Are Gas Hot Water Systems Still Cost Effective in 2023?

With rising energy prices, many homeowners are questioning if gas hot water systems are still a cost-effective option compared to electric and solar in 2023. Get the facts on running costs, efficiency and pricing to determine if gas is still worthwhile for your home.

Install Hot Water System ?
Should You Install a Hot Water System Yourself?

Attempting to install a hot water system on your own can lead to safety issues and improper setup. It’s best to hire a licensed plumber for safe and efficient hot water system installation.

blocked drains flooding?
Can blocked drains cause flooding?

Blocked drains can lead to flooding, water damage, sewage backups, unhealthy mold, and pipe bursts. Call Carlingford Plumbing to prevent flooding from blocked drains.

Storing Gas Cylinders Safely
Storing Gas Cylinders Safely

Gas cylinders must always be stored upright, chained down and outdoors with good ventilation. Keep them away from flammables and ignition sources. Contact our team if you need assistance safely storing gas cylinders.

Bleach Unclog Clogged Drain?
Can Bleach Unclog A Clogged Drain?

Wondering if pouring bleach down the drain will clear that pesky clog? Our professional plumbers explain when bleach can work to unclog bathtub, shower and sink drains and when you’ll need a more powerful solution. We cover safety tips for using bleach and recommend calling a pro for serious blockages.

Choose Gas Supplier Sydney?
How Do I Choose A Gas Supplier in Sydney?

Unsure how to pick the best gas supplier for your home? Compare Sydney gas plans from leading providers to find the cheapest rates. Switching is fast, easy and free - save on energy costs this year.

Key benefits gas stove cooking
Key benefits of gas stove cooking

Gas stoves provide instant and precise heating with open flames you can adjust as needed while cooking. Gas ranges work during power outages and offer great value by being cheaper to operate than electric.

Sewer Pipe Relining Work?
Does Sewer Pipe Relining Actually Work?

Sewer pipe relining is a cost-effective and long-lasting way to repair cracks, damage and restore flow in aging pipes without digging or replacement. It involves inserting a resin-saturated liner inside the existing pipe then curing it to form a new, smooth pipe.

Safely Dispose Hazardous Waste
How to Safely Dispose of Hazardous Waste

Hazardous materials like chemicals, medicines, paints and pesticides require special disposal to avoid contaminating pipes, drains and groundwater. Drop them off at designated collection points for safe processing rather than putting them in the rubbish or pouring down the sink.

Choosing Plumbing Materials
Choosing the Right Plumbing Materials

When installing or replacing pipes in your home, it’s important to understand the different material types available and choose the right option for each application. Factors like temperature resistance, corrosion protection, pressure ratings and ease of installation should guide your decision.

Unclogging Drains Blocked Grease & Fat
Unclogging Drains Blocked by Grease & Fat

Grease, oil and fat poured down kitchen sinks sticks to drain pipes, causing clogged drains and sewage backups over time. To unclog a greasy drain, pour boiling water down the drain before using a plunger or calling a professional plumber to prevent overflows and damage.

Complete Guide Pipe Relining
The Complete Guide to Pipe Relining

Pipe relining is an internal pipe repair method that creates a 'pipe in a pipe’ without digging or replacement. It stops leaks, restores flow and prevents flooding & water damage for over 50 years. Perfect for any home.

Benefits Insulating Hot Water System
Benefits of Insulating Your Hot Water System

Insulating your hot water heater and pipes helps reduce heat loss and energy costs. An insulation blanket wraps around the system to trap heat for energy savings up to 25%. Insulate exposed hot water pipes to prevent wastage and wait times.

Solar Hot Water Worth Investment?
Is Solar Hot Water Worth the Investment?

Investing in a solar hot water system is worth it, saving up to 75% on water heating bills. Unlike solar panels, 100% of solar hot water energy generated is used. Contact us for a free investment consultation.

Turn Gas Supply Meter
Turn Off Gas Supply at Meter

If you smell gas inside your home or think you have a gas leak, the first step is to turn off your gas supply at the meter, before identifying and repairing the issue.

Professional Drain Cleaning: Essential Healthy Plumbing
Professional Drain Cleaning: Essential for Healthy Plumbing

Professional drain cleaning removes blockages and debris before major issues develop. It eliminates odors and noise while protecting pipes from corrosion and damage for longer lifespan. Hire certified technicians for safe, effective service.

Retrofit Hot Water System
Retrofit Your Hot Water System

Replacing an aging, inefficient electric or gas hot water system with a new energy efficient heat pump model can significantly improve performance and lower energy bills. Contact us to retrofit your existing system today.

weather impacts emergency plumbing
How weather impacts emergency plumbing

Extreme weather events like heavy rain, storms, and freezing temperatures frequently cause emergency plumbing issues such as flooding, burst pipes, and more. Being prepared and knowing what to do can help minimize damage.

Pipe Relining Essential Plumbing Upgrades?
Is Pipe Relining Essential For Plumbing Upgrades?

Pipe relining is an efficient and affordable alternative to pipe replacement that strengthens existing pipes and prevents future plumbing issues. Contact us to learn more about relining instead of replacing your pipes.

File Warranty Claim Hot Water System
How To File A Warranty Claim For A Hot Water System

If you need to file a warranty claim on your hot water system, first contact the manufacturer with proof of purchase. They can guide you through the warranty process. If repairs are needed and it is still under warranty, an authorized technician can help get your hot water running again.

Prepare Hot Water System Winter
Prepare Your Hot Water System for Winter

To get your hot water system ready for winter, flush out sediment, insulate pipes and tanks, and check valves. Maintaining your system prevents problems when temps drop.

Essential Safety Gear Gas Work
Essential Safety Gear for Gas Work

Handling gas lines and appliances requires specialized protective equipment to ensure safety. This includes flame-resistant clothing, respirators, goggles and gloves to protect against hazards.

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